The Wolfpack Fartlek!
5 x 45s 1,2,3,2,1 min pyramid 5 x 10s sprints (walk down recovery)
Dirtbags! The trails are lethal so wear your road shoes tomorrow as dry pavement abounds!
Let's meet at the Cougar creek parking lot 6PM.
Tomorrow we are going to revisit the "Wolfpack Fartlek!" We last did this one November 2022.It's a mix of short, snappy 45s sprints, along with some longer fast paced efforts, then a few short sprints to finish.
The west side of lower Cougar creek is dry as a bone and in great shape.
We'll jog on down to the start to warm up.
From there it's 5 x 45s hard up hill, with jog down recovery.
After these, we go for a 1,2,3,2,1 hill pyramid with jog down recovery between each effort.
Then I say we finish with 5 x 10s all out hill sprints with full recovery.
So to recap:
5 x 45s
1,2,3,2,1 min pyramid
5 x 10s sprints (walk down recovery)
Hope to see a good group out tomorrow! Everyone is welcome and this one is super sociable. All abilities will love this one!
Beers at the Iron Goat (if we can get in!!)