The Canova Hill Circuit!
Run 1 minute
30s squat jumps
Run 1 minute
30s High Knee skips
Run 1 minute
30s Split Squat Jumps
Run 1 minute
30s Butt kicks
Run 1 minute
Sprint 10s
Repeat x 3
4x10 mins Flux: progression #2
4 x 4 x (1:45 steady/45 fast)
Workout for Oct 17, 2024: "Bow River Cut-Downs"
3 x (3,2,1) with equal rest
5 mins between sets
"Chill, Thrill & Kill" - DBR workout for Oct 3
3 x (5 x 300m with 1 minute recoveries)
We'll take 3-5 min recoveries between sets.
The goal will be to increase the pace from set 1 through to set 3
Spray Hill 30/30s
Warm up
30s hard
30s easy
Repeat x 10
Repeat x 2
The Forebay Peloton Workout, August 1, 2024
It's a peloton style workout - we run in small, similarly paced groups in a line. The person at the back picks the pace up and runs to the front of the line where they drop in and ease off a touch. The next person at the back then runs to the front. On and on - you get the gist.
Dirtbag Runners workout for July 4.
From Andrew Cotterill!
“Hi Dirtbags! This week I'mhelping lead the workout with Andy still away. Lets meet at
"The Quad Blaster" - May 23 workout
Dirtbags! If you hadn't guessed, I'm into hilly workouts on the trails right now (I wonder
Pizza, Beer & Trailrunning - what could be better - DBR Workout May 9, 2024
6 mins tempo (3 mins out, 3 mins back)
Rest for 2 mins
6 x 30s hard/30s easy
Rest x 2 mins
REPEAT for 2 sets
The Final Marathon Taper workout 😁
10 x (1 min ON, 1 min OFF).