Dirtbag Runners workout for July 28, 2022 ‘Nash’s Hill Pyramid’

Dirtbag Runners workout for July 28, 2022 ‘Nash’s Hill Pyramid’

Dirtbags! Lots of folks are away racing this week! Transrockies, Canadian Death race and more! I am currently cooking down here in Washington where it’s 40C, and order of the day seems to be finding an air conditioned beer garden 🥵.

Mike Nash will be leading tomorrows workout! Thanks Mike!

Meet at the Nordic Centre 6pm in our usual dirt lot on the left, then it will be an easy warm up jog for 5-10 mins for a little hill pyramid action.

1,2,3,2,1 mins with equal jog down recovery. Repeat for 2 sets.

Cool down, then beer!

Have fun, and good luck to everyone racing over the next couple of weeks!