Dirtbag Runners Bow Valley workout for October 13, 2022

Dirtbag Runners Bow Valley workout for October 13, 2022
"Probably should have worked a bit harder at Dirtbags......."

Dirtbags! I am back to lead the run tomorrow - huge thanks to Grant & Martine for keeping you all fast & sweaty whilst I was gone!

Tomorrow will be a blast as post run Strides and Canmore Brewing will be hosting a trail running movie night - $10 at the door of CBC gets you in. Films start at 7:30 so there's lots of time to rehydrate before the flicks get going!

So, with that said, let's meet at Canmore Brewing 6pm.

My plan is for us to jog on over to the river trails for the following...

Warm up jog 10 - 15 mins

6 mins tempo running (3 mins out/3 mins back)

2 mins easy jogging/rest

6 x 30s hard/30s easy

2 mins easy jogging/rest

We'll do 2 sets, of this, then do a moderate paced effort all the way back to Canmore Brewing for a pint or two and some movie inspiration. Hope to see you all there!