Pizza, Beer & Trailrunning - what could be better - DBR Workout May 9, 2024

6 mins tempo (3 mins out, 3 mins back) Rest for 2 mins 6 x 30s hard/30s easy Rest x 2 mins REPEAT for 2 sets

Pizza, Beer & Trailrunning - what could be better - DBR Workout May 9, 2024

Dirtbags!!! Well the sun is out and the temps are up!

Tomorrow is a fun-filled evening of trail running and running movies!

We will meet at 6PM outside Strides, then we'll head out for our run which will be on the river trails.

Afterwards we'll finish at Canmore Brewing for some free movie action and a pint or two, and a slice of pizza.

Here's the workout - a mix of short and long intervals.

6 mins tempo (3 mins out, 3 mins back)
Rest for 2 mins
6 x 30s hard/30s easy
Rest x 2 mins
REPEAT for 2 sets then head on back over to CBC for a pint and some cheer!

Hope to see you all there.

We'll leave from Strides at 6PM sharp!