Dirtbag Runners Bow Valley Workout February 3, 2022

Dirtbag Runners Bow Valley Workout February 3, 2022
You won't be in your shorts tomorrow, but here's some race inspiration.....IMTUF 100 miler, Idaho, one of my all time favorites!!

Dirtbags! Here's a new workout we've never done as a group! I'll admit in all honesty this is a workout I've done a few times whilst leading up to a race, and well, guess what, a few of us are racing the Black Canyons 100km in a little over a week, so let's do it as a big crew. I think I have figured out how to keep us all together.

In other news tomorrow the Bill Warren Winter Pub nights start back up, so beers will be at CNC afterwards.

OK, back to the workout. We will meet at 6pm at the Nordic centre - usual spot - dirt lot nearest the road for anyone new. We will jog on over to the Grassi Lakes parking lot where we'll start the workout after about 15 mins of warm up. The goal of this one is to practice rapidly transitioning from up hill running to down hill running. Ideal race prep I'd say!

So we'll run up the paved road and part way up the Spray Hill for 4 minutes, turn around and run hard back down hill for 4 minutes. We'll end up on the flat road down by Grassi again. Let's rest up for 4 mins, regroup back at the start, then repeat for 3 reps. You'll therefore have 12 minutes of hard up hill running and 12 minutes of hard downhill/flat running.

We should all be able to regroup at the start after each rep given that we have 4 minutes. This is an awesome workout to stress not only the aerobic system but to get in some solid muscle work on the downhills.

As always, everyone is welcome; you can run art your own pace and we'll all be back together for each new rep. Headlamps needed; spikes - your call.