Dirtbag Runners Bow Valley pre-Christmas workout! (Dec 23, 2021)

Dirtbag Runners Bow Valley pre-Christmas workout! (Dec 23, 2021)

Dirtbags! Let's meet Thursday at the Rundle Boat Launch  at 6pm, for the second last workout of 2021. You will need to crank up your metabolism before the holiday excesses. This one should do that!

We'll run a couple of km to warm up on the river trails, then the workout will be:

1 min hard (1R)

2 min hard (2R)

3 min hard (3R)

Repeat x 4

Fast and flat! Hopefully not too much snow falls! Regardless, it will be fun! Spikes and headlamps will be needed. As always, all abilities are welcome!