DBR Bow Valley workout for November 10, 2022. The Wolfpack Fartlek

This continues our theme of blended workouts - a mix of short, snappy 45s sprints, along with some longer fast paced efforts, then a few short hill sprints to finish.

DBR Bow Valley workout for November 10, 2022. The Wolfpack Fartlek

Dirtbags! It's looking like a balmy -12C tomorrow at 6pm! Bring your shorts and your headlamps - it's going to be a good one!

I came across this workout from the Boulder Road Runners. It's called the "Wolfpack Fartlek!"

It continues our theme of blended workouts - a mix of short, snappy 45s sprints, along with some longer fast paced efforts, then a few short hill sprints to finish.

I'm thinking the Spray hill will be a good venue, but we'll begin our efforts down at the Grassi lakes trail head.

So let's meet at 6pm at the Nordic Centre. We'll warm up by jogging out to the Grassi lakes trail head. From there it's 5 x 45s hard up hill, with 1 min jog down recovery. After these, we'll regroup and go for a 1,2,3,2,1 hill pyramid with 1 min recovery between each effort. Then I say we finish with 5 x 10s all out hill sprints with full recovery.

So to recap:

 5 x 45s (1R)

 1,2,3,2,1 min pyramid (1R)

 5 x 10s hill sprints (walk down recovery)

Hope to see a good group out tomorrow! Everyone is welcome and this one is super sociable. All abilities will love this one!