A couple of things regarding mistakes

A couple of things regarding mistakes
Albert Reed goes out hard trying to beat Adam Campbell and Olympian Heidi Widmer....that was a mistake....worth a debrief, however 

Steve Magness is a well known and respected distance running coach I follow. He talks all kinds of sense and is well worth a follow on the Twitter. He famously was involved in blowing the lid off Alberto Salazar's questionable practices at the Nike Oregon Project that led to Salazar's life time ban from coaching.

He posted a couple of interesting things on Twitter this weekend. Both were pertaining to sporting F*&# ups.

In the first he referred to a study that looked at reviewing our mistakes with friends vs strangers. "

If we review our mistakes with friends our testosterone goes up and cortisol goes down. If we review mistakes with strangers, cortisol spikes."

It's threatening to review mistakes with strangers but with friends, growth occurs!

In the second tweet he details Dan O'Brien's famous 'choke'. He was a dominant US decathlete, highly favored for a medal at the Barcelona Olympics. Unfortunately, he didn't even make the US team as he had a completely disastrous pole vault in the trials. It was completely unexpected.

Magness tweeted:

Face your mistakes and failures. Avoiding gives them power.

"Dan O’Brien reviewed the clip of his 1992 choke so many times that it no longer cluttered his mind, and when it screened on the Jumbotron at the 1996 trials, 'I just kind of chuckled to myself'"