Spray Hill 30/30s and some preliminary details for Dec 12 2 sets of 8 x 30/30 (that's 30s hard, 30s easy x 8)
Forebay 400s 12 x 400m, with 200m easy jogging recovery We'll break these up into 3 sets with longer recovery between sets.
dirtbags Workout for Oct 17, 2024: "Bow River Cut-Downs" 3 x (3,2,1) with equal rest 5 mins between sets
DBR Workout for Oct 10: Park2Pint Recce run (aka 8 x 3 mins) From Elizabeth! Alright Dirtbags, let's mix it up this week
dirtbags "Chill, Thrill & Kill" - DBR workout for Oct 3 3 x (5 x 300m with 1 minute recoveries) We'll take 3-5 min recoveries between sets. The goal will be to increase the pace from set 1 through to set 3
Cougar Creek Fartlek On the slate will be 3 x 10 mins at a moderate effort with 5 mins easy jogging between efforts!
DBR workout for 19th Sept: 'The 5/5/5' 5 x 3 mins (2R) 5 x 30s hills (walk down recovery) 5 x 15s flat sprints (full recovery)