Marathon Progressions

A little summary of my Boston build - of course there's a lot more to it than just these workouts, but here's how it went down, in terms of the key speed sessions and long runs.

Marathon Progressions
Photo by Miguel A Amutio / Unsplash

Boston progression

A little summary of my Boston build - of course there's a lot more to it than just these workouts, but here's how it went down, in terms of the key speed sessions and long runs.

Speed sessions are essentially done around or slightly above Anaerobic threshold (5km - 10km pace). The speed sessions are designed to create improve running economy, lactate dynamics, and specific muscular strength required for the marathon, and also to create a 'gap' between Anaerobic and Aerobic thresholds, so that we are running more comfortable at marathon pace.

The longer, specific marathon paced work (typically done at >80% MP) is to (a) condition the musculoskeletal system to the pounding, and (b) to improve our metabolic or aerobic efficiency so that we aren't tapping into our glucose stores continuously (they'll run out during the marathon) - essentially, both improving our resiliency and endurance in general terms.

These key sessions should be supported by regular easy paced work, that isn't so hard as to detract from the key sessions. I also believe that regular strength work in the gym (2 x per week) is a key ingredient to success.

SPEED: AM 4 x 6mins; PM 15 x 300mins (double threshold)

LONG: 2 x 10 x 40s (Ingebrigtsen workout) - I threw this here as this was the week before we started jumping into longer efforts, and it was fun. This was the culmination of an 8 week Norwegian style double threshold block.

SPEED: AM 4 x 6mins; PM 8 x 600mins (double threshold)

LONG: 3 x 4km @ MP (500m float)

SPEED: AM 4 x 6mins; PM 8 x 600mins (double threshold) - short rest

LONG: 15km progression (5k/5k/5k) - 85%/90%/95% MP

SPEED: 5 x 1 mile @ 105% MP (500m easy)

LONG: 4 x 5km @ 85-90% MP (500 easy)

SPEED: 3 x (3 x 800m/200 R) 3-4 mins easy between sets

LONG: 10km steady (85% MP) plus 4 x 1km @ MP w/1km floats

SPEED: 5 x 1000m @ 10k pace, 400m easy

LONG: 3 x 6km @ MP +10s, 500m @ 80% MP; 5 x 200m hill sprints

SPEED: 4 x 1 mile @ 10km pace (400m jog)

LONG: 3-5km WU; 12km (alt 1km @ MP+15s/500m @MP-5s); easy CD

SPEED: 4 x 2km @ HMP (3 mins R)

LONG: 3 x 7km @90%/95%/100% GMP w/ 1km easy

SPEED: 3 x (800/400/800) @ 5k pace w 45s rest/3 mins between sets

LONG: 15km @HMP

SPEED: 6 x 1km @ 10k pace (1 min R)

LONG: 5x5km @MP+10s (500 recovery @ 85% MP)

SPEED: 45 mins easy then 12 x 100m Hill Sprints - hill work is essential for Boston FYI

LONG: 25km (10km steady (80%) then 5k/5k/5k @ 85%/90%/95% MP

SPEED: 2 miles @ MP; 2 x 1km @ HMP; 2 x 800m @ 10k (3R)

LONG: 35km (85% MP w/ final 5km @ 95% MP)

SPEED: 12 x 800m @ 10km - HMP (2 mins R)

LONG: 30km (5km WU; 2 x 10km @ MP (1km float @ 85%); 4-5km CD easy)

SPEED: 10 miles @MP (surge to 10km pace every mile for 1 min)

LONG: 36km: 3km WU; 27km (alt 1000 m @ MP+5/500m @MP-5s ie 18 reps); easy CD 3km (DOWNHILL focus if possible for Boston)

SPEED: 2 miles @HMP; 1 mile @10k; 1.5 miles @HMP; 1km @ 10k; 1 mile @HMP (3R)

LONG: Long Progression - 7,6,5,4,3,2 km at 98 - 103% MP (1km @ 80%MP) = 32km (LAST REALLY LONG RUN)

SPEED: 3 x 2miles @MP (3mins easy)

LONG: 12 km progression (4km/4km/4km); 800m jog; + 3x2km @ MP (90s R); CD (DOWNHILL for Boston)

SPEED: 12km progression - start @MP+5-10s x 6km then 2km/2km/2km (@ HMP/15km/10km)

LONG: 16KM: 10km steady then 4 x 1km at MP, 500mm float