Guest Post from Elizabeth Halleran! Workout for tomorrow!

Guest Post from Elizabeth Halleran! Workout for tomorrow!

"Hey Dirtbags! Andy Reed heads down to Colorado tomorrow for his final few training weeks before Hardrock 100, so get ready for some guest appearances the next few weeks leading Dirtbags, starting with me!

Let's meet at Quarry Lake at 6pm for a version of the Highline Figure 8 fartlek we've done a few times.

We'll do a mix of 1min hard/easy up the connector closest to Quarry, regroup, then 2min hard/2min easy to the Riders of Rohan descent, regroup along powerline and then repeat - up the same connector, but going east towards Peaks.

This is a long one, closer to 1:30 than 1 hr but hey - it's the longest daylight hours Dirtbags of the year, and I promise its better than the alternate workout I had in mind (cough cough.....4 x 1 mile hills)!

If the weather turns nasty, we can cut it short and head over to pub night early


Lots of bear poop up there this week so bring your bear spray and get ready to hoot n' holler!

Good luck to all the rockstars in the valley running Minotaur and Minitaur this weekend!!!!