Dirtbag Runners Workout for Sept 8, 2022

Dirtbag Runners Workout for Sept 8, 2022
What the heck! is it biking season?

From Heather who will be leading the session tomorrow!

"Hi Dirtbags! Andy and Saira and a big Canmore contingent are bound for the coast tomorrow to race Whistler Alpine Meadows this weekend, so I’m on for leading the workout this week. 🙂 I’m thinking a nice late-summer “maintenance workout” will be good, with both flats and some hills. We’ve all seen this one…

Let’s meet at the Nordic Centre in our usual location - lower gravel parking lot, 6PM - and we’ll make our way down the hill to the river pathway by the power plant as a warmup. From there, we’ll split into two groups: one group will run the flats at a hard effort for 4 minutes while the other group runs the switchbacks, then we switch up. We’ll reconvene after each 4-minute interval for some rest, and then go again - x 3 - for a total of 24 minutes of work, plus a warmup and cooldown (which, in this case, will be a jog back up the hill to the Nordic Centre).

Then over to the Bill Warren Centre for some post-workout cheers and beers! 🍻 See you there!"