DBR Bow Valley workout for Sept 14, 2023 "400s and 1200s"

DBR Bow Valley workout for Sept 14, 2023 "400s and 1200s"
Mrs Reed racing up the Middle Teton last week.

Dirtbags! Look out, I'm back - although it seems that Doug and Tim did an admirable job of cracking the whip whilst I was gone! Thanks guys!

I have a new workout that should work great on the forebay tomorrow, so let's meet at 6PM at CNC, usual spot.

After a warm up jog, we will run 400m hard at around 10km pace, we'll recover for 1 minute, then repeat, recover for 1 min then repeat.

So that's 3 x 400m.

That will put us 1200m out along the forebay, so then it's 1200m back to the start at half marathon pace/effort, where we will regroup.

We will repeat this x 2.

This is a perfect workout for those of us targeting a late season 10km or half marathon before winter!

So to summarise:

Warm Up Jog x 10-15 mins

3 x 400m hard (1 min R) - 10km pace

1200m hard - HM pace

Repeat x 2

Cool down; beer

(Don't worry if you don't know your paces it's not that important)

Hope to see a big group out! Weather looks great.