dirtbags DBR Workout for Jan 25, 2024 - "FAST 400s" The goal is to pace the 400s at around your 5km pace (if you know what that is!) 3 x (4 x 400m) @ 5km pace
dirtbags DBR workout for January 18, 2024 "The Rundleview Rip" Dirtbags! It's looking like -20 ish tomorrow at 6PM so
hardrock Weekly training - I got into Hardrock! - Christmas week After a decade of trying to get in, I will finally be
dirtbags DBR workout for Dec 21, 2023! The 50/40/30 1st set - 8 x 50/10 (50s hard, 10s rest) 5 mins easy jogging 2nd set - 8x 40/20 (40s hard, 20s rest) 5 mins easy jogging 3rd set - 8 x 30/30 (30s hard, 30s rest)