Workout for tonight!!
Andrew Cotterrell will be leading tonight! It’s the same workout we didn’t do last week, so meet 6PM
The 60/40/20 Fartlek
60 secs Moderate Effort
40 secs Hard Effort
20 secs Give'Er
2 mins easy jogging
Minor illness and Dogs....a blessing in disguise?
Random thoughts as I sit here at home, recovering from a seemingly minor URTI.
Illness - The best 100 mile
Marathon Progressions
A little summary of my Boston build - of course there's a lot more to it than just these workouts, but here's how it went down, in terms of the key speed sessions and long runs.
Progression 400s
- 400m @ marathon pace
- 30s rest
- 400m @ half marathon pace
- 30s rest
- 400m @ 10km pace
- 30s rest
- 400m @ 5km pace
The Hilly Heartbeat Hustle!
4 x 45s
4 x 2 mins
4 x 1 min
Feb 8 Workout "30/30s; 3 sets of 8
30 s HARD
30 s EASY
Repeat x 8
3 sets
The Wolfpack Fartlek!
5 x 45s
1,2,3,2,1 min pyramid
5 x 10s sprints (walk down recovery)
DBR Workout for Jan 25, 2024 - "FAST 400s"
The goal is to pace the 400s at around your 5km pace (if you know what that is!)
3 x (4 x 400m) @ 5km pace
Internal VS External load (re-post)
When you’re doing a run workout, a useful concept is to consider the load (the stress being applied to