DBR 'Global Running Week workout!!' June 6.
So tomorrow is a big one!
Arrive 5:30PM at Canmore Nordic Centre to demo some sweet shoes - Salomon
Attention!! Thursday will be awesome!
Dirtbags! Advanced notice!
This Thursday we’ll be running from the Nordic centre. We have shoe demos from Salomon and
Liz will be leading a track workout tonight, folks, on the most scenic track in N America, if not the
DBR workout for 30 May!
Dirtbags - I am in Niagara until Friday so this week’s workout will be brought to you by Elizabeth
"The Quad Blaster" - May 23 workout
Dirtbags! If you hadn't guessed, I'm into hilly workouts on the trails right now (I wonder
Grassi Lakes Structured Fartlek
Dirtbags! It's Thursday tomorrow and there's a bit of rain in the forecast, but at least
Pizza, Beer & Trailrunning - what could be better - DBR Workout May 9, 2024
6 mins tempo (3 mins out, 3 mins back)
Rest for 2 mins
6 x 30s hard/30s easy
Rest x 2 mins
REPEAT for 2 sets
DBR workout for May 2, 2024 - "Power plant Hills & Flats"
Dirtbags! Elizabeth Halleran will be leading the charge tomorrow evening!
Meet 6PM at the Rundle boat launch on Rundle drive
DBR workout for April 25 - The Quarry Lake Pyramid
1 min hard (1 min easy)
2 mins hard (1 min easy)
3 mins hard (1 min easy)
2 mins hard (1 min easy)
1 min hard (1 min easy)
REPEAT x 3 sets
Flagler’s Fives - DBR workout for April 18
Grant will be leading this one tomorrow folks! Let’s call it Flagler’s Fives!
“Hi Dirtbags. While Andy recovers