Forebay 400s!


As beer mile season approaches (1 more week!) - it's time to get in some specific speed work!

Meet tomorrow at 6PM - Nordic centre - dirt lot - usual spot.

We'll jog on over to the forebay for some Forebay 400s.

Tomorrow's flavour will be 12 x 400m.
We'll split this into 3 sets of 4 x 400m
Rest between 400s will be 90s; rest between sets will be 3 mins.

Afterwards, beers will be served at Bill Warren Pub night!

No need to drink beer DURING the workout tomorrow - that will be next week 😁

AND, watch out for additional Beer Mile information over the next few days. It's shaping up to be a good one, and we have some great prizing as always, and some fantastic Beer sponsors to keep you all hydrated!

It's become tradition to dress up for this one, so get working on your outfits if you haven't already!